達達里奧公司努力的目標是為音樂藝術家提供最佳品質的簧片及零配件, 冀能協助他們實現各人的音樂表達理想. 每一程的簧片製造序次皆已戮力改善, 我們很驕傲地說我們的品質已臻一流. We at D'Addario Woodwinds have worked tirelessly as a team to provide you with superior reeds and accessories that help you realize your highest musical and artistic visions. Every aspect of Rico’s reed-making process has been redeveloped and drastically improved. We are proud to say that our quality control extends beyond the manufacturing floors.
圓切 Unfiled / 傳統原片 Traditional Blank 本簧片係圓切片, 片身較薄, 以奏者熟悉的橘色包裝知名, 是容易出聲的簧片. 爵士奏者特別偏愛, 也適合學生採用. The Rico cut is unfiled and features a thinner...
平切 Filed / 傳統原片 Traditional Blank 本簧片係傳統原片以法式平切生產, 專為高階奏者設計, 反應平均而靈敏, 所有音域出聲都相當清晰, Rico Royal 提供較橘盒包裝的 Rico 簧片更多的強度選擇. Rico 採用新的科技設備和更新製程, 確保品質穩定, 領先群倫. The Rico Royal...
圓切 Unfiled / Traditional Blank 和 Rico 簧片相同, La Voz 簧片係以傳統原片圓切而成, 因此厚度較薄. La Voz 簧片的強度較有彈性, 所出聲音低沉有力, 是爵士樂者所熱愛的標準簧片. Rico 公司最新高科設備及製程確保簧片品質穩定, 領先群倫. Similar...
平切 Filed / 傳統原片 Traditional Blank Frederick L. Hemke 簧片係平切簧片, 唇尖 tip 較薄, 削部 vamp 較短, 因此吹奏反應靈敏. 爵士及古典樂者都相當喜愛, 進階學生也愛用, Rico...
平切 Filed 厚原片 Thick Blank Select Jazz reeds feature the thickest spine and blank of Rico's jazz reeds with a traditional...
圓切 Unfiled / 厚原片 Thick Blank Select Jazz reeds feature the thickest spine and blank of Rico's jazz reeds...
平切 Filed / 傳統原片 Thick Blank Reserve 簧片係平切竹片, 原片是用厚脊背竹材, 吹奏音程變化較易, 適合獨奏或小型樂團, Reserve 簧片所用竹材是竹身的最下方四段竹節. Reserve reeds are filed and feature...
平切 Filed / Traditional Blank Plasticover 簧片係標準切削片塗佈透明塑膠漆, 本品抗濕度強, 在各種天氣狀況皆保持穩定, 塑膠漆塗佈肇致聲音嘹亮, 音調強, 簧片耐用, 生命週期長. 經常在室外演奏的爵士及波普樂者最適用, Rico 最新的高科製程確保本品品質的穩定. Plasticover reeds feature the standard...