Contra Bass and Contra Alto Clarinet Reeds 倍低音及倍中音單簧管簧片

Rico Reeds 公司努力的目標是為音樂藝術家提供最佳品質的簧片及零配件, 冀能協助他們實現各人的音樂表達理想. 每一程的簧片製造序次皆已戮力改善, 我們很驕傲地說我們的品質已臻一流. We at Rico Reeds have worked tirelessly as a team to provide you with superior reeds and accessories that help you realize your highest musical and artistic visions. Every aspect of Rico’s reed-making process has been redeveloped and drastically improved. We are proud to say that our quality control extends beyond the manufacturing floors.