圓切 Unfiled / Traditional Blank
和 Rico 簧片相同, La Voz 簧片係以傳統原片圓切而成, 因此厚度較薄. La Voz 簧片的強度較有彈性, 所出聲音低沉有力, 是爵士樂者所熱愛的標準簧片. Rico 公司最新高科設備及製程確保簧片品質穩定, 領先群倫. Similar to the Rico cut, La Voz reeds are unfiled and feature a thinner profile and blank. The La Voz strength range offers greater flexibility, and their deep, powerful tone makes them a standard among jazz musicians. Rico's updated reed-making machinery and state-of-the-art process have made today's La Voz reed more consistent than ever before.